Earning every trade

Virtu will be your sole counterparty on every trade, and we are committed to providing useful metrics and the best pricing and execution quality in the industry. We work together with our clients to calibrate strategies that not only achieve results, but also exceed our clients’ expectations.


We provide you with access to deep buy-side and sell-side ETF order flow—supported by capital facilitation when needed—through our full spectrum of trading solutions.

Virtu’s ETF trading team offers clients agency and principal facilitation across virtually all ETF sponsors and products in the Americas and Europe through our proprietary technology and global trade desks.

We also offer creation/redemption in the primary market, which allows institutional investors an alternative path to ETF exposure.

Our ETF team’s experience dates nearly to the inception of ETF trading itself

We combine specialized expertise with real-time data and market structure commentary to provide unique product and trading solutions. We also assist institutions in the ETF selection process, including advice on the most suitable execution paths and liquidity studies.


Customized liquidity solutions

Equities liquidity (vEQ Link)

In equities, we provide access to liquidity through a range of global stocks, ETPs and ADRs, including many difficult-to-trade names. vEQ Link reduces market impact and helps maximize your fulfillment rates while lowering transaction costs by saving exchange and ECN fees. We can adapt to your specific trading architecture and capacity and seamlessly integrate with your smart order router or dark liquidity-seeking algos.
Check our trading protocols >

Fixed income liquidity (vFI)

We provide strong fixed income liquidity in US Treasury on-the-run and curve spreads; we serve as a counterparty to help you transfer risk and execute with confidence. vFI provides customizable, two-sided feeds that are consistently strong with large size and competitive prices, through US, London and Asia trading hours.
Download trading protocol details >

FX and metals liquidity (vFX, vMX)

Our FX and metals liquidity is tailored to meet specific size and spread demands as well as customized pricing, tick updates, skewing and fill ratios. We are committed to providing genuine principal liquidity with high internalization and low market impact. As principal, we generate unique and competitive prices in precious and base metals, NDFs and spot currencies in G20 and EM pairs and crosses.
Download vFX’s terms of business >
